Ever since I was pregnant with Alexander my sister has called him Xander Megee. It just seemed to stick and has been what we call him more often then not. He has such a tender little spirit. He is such a cuddler. He will often come over and give me hugs and kisses just because. He is in sunbeams right now and Grandma Erin is his teacher. Now I thought this would work out perfect. I'm not going to lie, I was one of those moms who was worried to send her baby off to primary. Since Xander has moved into primary he has missed several week of church from being sick or visiting other wards. I think this might have something to do with why he doesn't like to go to class. Most of the time he ends up sitting in class with me(if I can make it there) or sitting on the couch in the foyer with me. This last Sunday was the first time in a long time that he stayed in class the whole time with the exception of a potty trip. I don't know what I can do during the week to get him ready to go to class and stay there. Any ideas???
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