Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Leena Beena's birth story

I'm a little behind on my blog!!! I think now that Leena is 2 months old I should probably get a post up about her!!! Where to begin!!! June 30, 2011: Dropped the Littles off at Grandma's house the night before we went to the hospital to have Leena. They LOVE Grandma's house so it wasn't a hard drop off. We had a while before we were going to be able to get to sleep so we went to my friends do get my hair trimmed and colored and french braided. It was nice to have a last minute pampering before heading to the hospital. We got home pretty late and went right to bed. Neither of us slept well! It was like waiting for Christmas morning but 100 times more exciting! July 1-4 2011: Jeff and I woke up at 4:30 and got dressed and pack our last few things we needed to take with us. Jeff ate breakfast(sad! I couldn't eat after mid night) We tried to wait around to leave but we left a little bit early. We needed to be at the hospital at 6am. When we got there the main doors weren't even unlocked yet but a maintenance guy let us in. I think he felt bad for us since I was so HUGE and Jeff was carrying a million pounds of my stuff I NEEDED at the hospital. Once we were all checked in we went up to our "labor" room. I thought it was funny being in there since I never there was no labor ahead for me. Jeff wasn't feeling very good(I think it was nerves) I was so worried he was going to throw up or pass out! I called my mom to see if the Littles were up and on their way to my friends house for the day. They weren't. They had gone to bed VERY late and my mom didn't want to wake them up and make them cranky for the rest of the day. So she left Grandpa in charge! I was very impressed to hear later that when they had gotten up he got Colton's diaper changed and all of them fed and dress. Then they all walked over to my friends house where he dropped them off! Way to go Grandpa! Back at the hospital my mom showed up just in time for her and Jeff to get into their super cool white jump suites and for me to be wheeled down to the OR. This is when I started getting a little nervouse! Once I was down there I met with my nurse anesthetist to talk about my spinal. I normally get very sick during and after my c sections. I really didn't want to spend my whole first day with my daughter throwing up so we worked out a plan to do things a little different. Also when I had Colton I had a very bad spinal headache. He told me there was something he could do different to try and prevent that but it might take longer and hurt a little more. I was all for it! I gave my mom and Jeff a kiss goodbye and went into the OR. My nurse was amazing and comforted me during my VERY painful spinal. In the long run it was worth it but man oh man did that hurt! It took a long time too!!! My Dr came in and checked on me and then we got things started! They always get things going before Jeff and my mom get to come in. I'm used to this now so it doesn't really bother me. I felt very comfortable with my amazing Dr, my wonderful anesthetist and my kids/my primary Dr in there with me. 2 out of 3 them are members of the same church as me which really eased my nerves for some reason. Once my mom and Jeff came in things really got going. There were a few points that I felt pretty awful...more then I have before during my c section. I really had to focus through this one. When my sweet baby was born I could hear everyone talking about the baby and I thought they were calling the baby HE!!!! I panicked for a second and ask if the baby was really a girl. This got a pretty good laugh since all of the people in the room could see clearly that she was indeed a GIRL!!! When I first saw her she my first thought was "Her head is soooooo small!!!" and it was. Miss Leena Noël was born weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces! She is my smallest baby! Once Jeff got a hold of her he brought her to me so I could see her sweet face and get some kisses in. She started sucking her finger(loudly I might add) pretty much right away. When Jeff would talk she would open her eyes and look around but when he stopped talking her little eyes would close. She would only open them for his voice. It was so nice to have my baby girl in the OR with my the whole time. I didn't have to miss any of those first few moments that I missed with the boys. Once everything was back in place(minus one baby) and I was sewed up we headed to recovery. One thing that is handy about my Bishop is that since he is a surgeon at the same hospital he got to stop in and check on me while I was in recovery on his way to surgery. Once I got settled in recovery we thought we would try and get Leena to nurse since she was so interested in sucking her finger. She latched on right away and nursed on both sides for about 20 minutes each! Rock Star baby! The next few hours/day were kind of all smushed together! We had lots of visitors but my favorite of all was when my boys came to see us twice. They were very in love with Miss Leena but also very concerned about mommy being in the hospital bed.We stayed at the hospital for 4 days and came home on the 4th of July. Grandma and Noël bought some fireworks for the Littles and we sent Jeff off to his parents to do fireworks with them. That was Auntie Noël's first day in Washington so she needed to get her baby fix in since she had missed a few days! It was so fun having my sweet sister there with her little name sake! So there ya go! That's Leena Noël's birth story!

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