Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A glimmer of hope!

I know I just blogged this morning but I just found out some thing that I cant wait to blog about. I learned today about something called a natural c-section. Essentially a natural c-section is done slower and more personally. This first part I am not interested in but this is how it goes, after the incision is made and baby's head is out the drape is dropped so mom can see baby(I do want the drape dropped so I can see my baby's birth) wriggle its way out on its own. This helps the baby get squeezed more in turn helping clear fluid from the lungs like in a vaginal birth. This in the part that I am not interested in. After baby is out and the cord is cut the are immediately placed skin to skin on moms chest. Every thing can happen from there and your surgery can continue as normal. As long as every thing looks good with mom and baby the baby can stay right there skin to skin with mom until its time to move from the OR table to the recovery bed. This is huge for me. The thing that has always been the hardest for me about having my babies via c-section is not getting those first moments of life and bonding with my baby. I feel like everyone sees and hold my baby before me. I watched the youtube video above of this done in the UK and it was amazing. It was like a light bulb turned on. Why shouldn't I be able to hold my baby when she is born. Why cant I have the skin to skin contact that is so good for babies and moms. Why not!? I am excited for my next dr appointment next month when I will talk to my dr about doing this. Cross your fingers she is on board and will let us have this magical birth with our daughter!


  1. I agree that first part is a little weird, like a bird coming out of its egg, but the skin on skin part sounds amazing! :) good luck!

  2. Its the delay in delivery that worries me a little bit. Also you have to be contracting to squeeze the baby out and we all know I don't do that. lol I would just love to have my baby right away like other moms.
