Friday, March 4, 2011

The proof is in the picture!

I had my 22 week OB appointment today. Since at my Ultrasound 2 weeks ago the tech forgot to give my pictures of my little one my Dr said she would do a quick one for me today. She got several very good views to reassure me that I am indeed having a girl! She check all the angles she could to make sure nothing was hiding or in a shadow. I can comfortable say now that I am having a girl! The last 2 weeks have been full of emotion. I have been very excited but at the same time still a little afraid accept that this baby is a girl. I was having dreams that when my baby came our during my c-section that my dr announced to everyone "its a boy!" Its been freaking me out and making me a little scared to get excited. Now I know though! Leena Noël is coming! YAY! Also today I got to pick her birthday! She will have her own day! I was a little worried that she would be born on the 4th of July or on one of the many birthdays on either side of the family. She will be born July 1st, 2011! This will be my first baby who's birthday is not a multiple of 12. I know that's silly but its true! Alex:2/24/06 Graysen:11/12/07 Colton:6/12/09 I thought I would be fun to have her on the 6th but my dr wants to make sure to take her a little bit early to insure that I don't go into labor. At this point with all the c-sections Ive had and the thin spot where the scar is on my uterus its really not save for me to labor at all. So safety first! We are so excited to welcome a little girl into our family!!!

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